Supporter Details

Welcome to our special supporters' corner! As you explore the exciting features we offer, it's essential to understand the vital role our supporters play in the heart of our community, websites, and discord bots. Our diverse array of services, including web and bot servers, and continuous development of new and enhanced features, is made possible through the generous contributions of members like you. Your support not only helps sustain our current operations but also fuels our vision for future growth and innovation. By choosing to become a supporter, you're not just unlocking exclusive perks; you're actively participating in shaping the future of our community. Every tier of support makes a significant impact, and we encourage you to consider the higher tiers, which offer an even richer experience and greater involvement in our journey forward. Let's continue to build an extraordinary community together!

Support us via Discord Subscriptions or Patreon and enjoy your new benefits in seconds.

Premium $3

As a Premium Supporter you will gain access to the following features:

Premium+ $5

As a Premium+ Supporter you will gain access to the following features:

Premium++ $10

As a Premium++ Supporter you will gain access to the following features:

Updated 9/5/2024 - Supporter features and limitations are subject to change at any time without notice.